The Princeton University Art Museum

The Princeton University Art Museum was founded in 1882 as a teaching museum, based on the pioneering belief that the hands-on study of art is essential to higher education. It is one of the finest university art museums in the world, with collections of more than 72,000 works that span the globe from antiquity to the present.

During the Aspire campaign, a gift from Nancy Nasher and David Haemisegger, both of the Class of 1976, endowed the museum’s directorship. Alumni and friends also provided significant support for a range of programs at the museum, including establishing endowments for curatorships of modern and contemporary art, prints and drawings, photography, American art, Asian art, and European art, and for its associate director for education.

Princeton University Art Museum

“The museum is pleased to offer a respite from the rush of daily life, a revitalizing experience of extraordinary works of art past and present, and opportunities to delve deep into the study of art.”

—James Steward, director of the Princeton University Art Museum and lecturer with the rank of professor in art and archaeology